BBB aims to achieve a broader and more consistent range of conservation outcomes for shorebirds, waterbirds and bushbirds across the NSW north coast, by working with a range of agencies and organisations. We are focused on:
- Protection of beach-nesting shorebird sites at Belongil and Brunswick Heads with fencing and signage.
- Increase surveillance and monitoring of the beach-nesting birds during breeding season and respond as necessary by (1) informing and educating local community members (including dog owners) about the needs of nesting birds, (2) anticipating high tide and storm events and secure fence material and signs and (3) Maintain records of nesting activity through an on-line monitoring tool.
- Support research activities associated with shorebirds through submission, make comment on environmental issues, land use plans, and development applications in support of bird conservation.
- Collaboration with other groups to develop information material that promotes bird conservation and habitats of significance. This provides consistent information and messages to the wider community across the region.
- Maintain bird monitoring data locally and upload to a national database, providing vital information for decision makers.
- Participate in planning meetings such as the Belongil Estuary Stakeholder Group and Northern Rivers Regional shorebird management committee.
- Collaborates with and seek endorsement of the Arakwal people with on- country activities ground and the wider Bundjalung nation in the development of education resources.
- Participate in other avifauna research projects: such as Glossy Black-Cockatoo Conservancy of QLD and NE NSW, and the annual NPWS state-wide threatened shorebird species survey. Generally through submissions comment on environmental issues, land use plans, and development applications in support of bird conservation.