BBB Wetlands and Vallances Road Avifauna report

BBB Wetlands and Vallances Road Avifauna report

Since 2009 BBB members and friends have conducted surveys at the Byron Wetlands and Vallances Road STP sites. The data collected during the monitoring, BBB compiles a report looking at trends in bird diversity and population trends, although it does not provide an in-depth analysis on populations. This is the 7th report covering six years of data. The report has 23 recommendations and we recently met with Council staff in a very productive meeting with all of the recommendations being addressed where possible as we move forward. We will continue the monitoring and meet again in 12 months time.

We thank you if you have been part of the surveys and  hope you find the report informative. 

The BBB Wetlands and Vallances Road Avifauna report can be downloaded HERE